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Delphi/Game Programming
Borland , makers of not only Delphi, but other magnificent compilers. , the premier Delphi gaming site. , the largest gathering place of game developers on the Internet.
Project JEDI (Joint Endeavor of Delphi Innovators).
Silicon Commander Games , a software company that makes strategy games in Delphi.
Teen Programmers Unite , the gathering place for teenage programmers.
Cool Stuff on the 'Net
Adam Cadre , the most amazing person on Earth.
AdBusters , Canadian culture jammers.
BraveNet . They provide all the cool CGI you see on this site.
Cyberarmy , a bastion of supporters of Internet freedom and privacy.
The Dead Russian Composer Personality Test . If I were a dead Russian composer, I would be Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov.
The Hun School Philosophy Club , the coolest Philosophy society in central New Jersey.
Sluggy , an extremely funny web comic. "Is it not nifty? Worship the comic!"
Tom the Dancing Bug , a satirical weekly comic strip full of highbrow humor.
Trillian , the ultimate instant messaging software. And it's free!
UserFriendly , a daily comic strip for people who like computers. A must-see if you like Linux.
You Will Survive Doomsday , the informative book by Bruce Beach about surviving nuclear war.
Friends of Tuva , the central point for all things concerning this small autonomous region.
Sealand , the world's smallest country, located off the coast of Great Britain. The story of Sealand is a story of courage, of bravery, and of taking advantage of legal loopholes.
The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation , the place for information on oppressed countries and groups in the world.
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